Episode 6: Drop the “All or Nothing” Mindset


Ever wonder how you can stay true to your health goals while navigating the maze of tempting holiday feasts? Can you imagine a festive season where you have a mindful strategy that keeps you from being overly rigid or excessively indulging? Join us as we talk about how to create sustainable goals and keep your health at the forefront, even in the face of holiday temptations. We dive into strategic planning and flexible goal setting, ensuring you have a sensible approach to the abundance of food that becomes a norm during festive seasons.

As the smell of Thanksgiving turkey fills the air, we also take a moment to discuss peer pressure and how to handle it. There's a way to navigate these joyful events without feeling overwhelmed, and that's through intentional goal setting. We touch on maintaining wellness during holidays and vacations, emphasizing the importance of trusting yourself and aligning your decisions with your health goals. Remember, a peaceful and enjoyable holiday season begins with honoring your health. So, let's welcome the holiday cheer with mindfulness, trust, and a dedication to our health.

Episode Summary

(0:00:11) - Navigating Life and Aligning Goals (11 Minutes)

We start by talking about the importance of having a plan and allowing for some flexibility in order to make our goals sustainable. We also talk about honoring our health and having more specific goals depending on the situation. Finally, we discuss how to approach situations involving a lot of food, particularly during the holidays, and how to have a plan without being too rigid.

(0:11:23) - Thanksgiving Approach With Intention, Peer Pressure (10 Minutes)

We explore how to use intentional goal setting to approach Thanksgiving and other events without feeling overwhelmed. We discuss how to deal with peer pressure and the importance of having a plan while being flexible. We also talk about how to stay mindful and practice moderation when it comes to food and other substances.

(0:21:53) - Approaching Health During Holidays and Vacations (2 Minutes)

We consider the challenges of navigating holidays and vacations while taking care of our health. We discuss the importance of being mindful and of trusting ourselves when it comes to making decisions that honor our health. We also emphasize the importance of recognizing our individual goals and using them as a guide. Finally, we urge people to make honoring their health their mantra, so they can enjoy the holidays with peace of mind.


Episode 7: Training Volume


Episode 5: Focus on the Look, Not the Scale