Episode 17: Push Forward? Or Pull Back?


Welcome back to Training Age, where hosts Heather and Val unravel the intricacies of fitness at every stage of your journey. This conversation steers into the ever-relevant topic of stress management and its impact on trainability. Listen in as we introduce the 'stress bucket' analogy to help you gauge when to lean into challenges and when to ease off the gas. Drawing from personal trials, we share insights on the necessity of recognizing when your stress levels are peaking and how to effectively dial it back through strategies like mindless scrolling or indulging in light-hearted entertainment.

Ever wondered if your relentless training routine might be crossing into overtraining territory? Join us as we dissect this fine line, armed with feedback from our Instagram followers and their own experiences with high-intensity workouts. We bring to light the critical signs that suggest a need for recovery, from disrupted sleep patterns to a spike in resting heart rate. Our conversation extends into the realm of menstrual cycle tracking and its invaluable role in understanding energy ebbs and flows. You'll hear anecdotes about the stress cycle and garner wisdom on when stepping back could be the more productive choice for managing life's pressures.

Rounding out this session, we tackle the balance between rest and advancement in fitness. Rest days, as we discuss, don't necessarily equate to inactivity but could involve shifting to lower-intensity activities that allow the body to recuperate. Learn how to tune into your body's signals to find that sweet spot between rest and pushing forward. And for all the multitasking mothers out there, we have a special segment dedicated to juggling motherhood and fitness. You'll get a dose of motivation to embrace the 'all or something' mindset, keeping you steadfast on the path to health and wellness amid the whirlwind of life's demands. Stay connected with us on Instagram for ongoing tips and if you're ready to elevate your training, discover how to tap into our coaching services. Thanks for tuning in, and let's continue to grow stronger, together.

Episode Summary

(0:00:06) - Managing Stress and Trainability for Progress (9 Minutes)

This chapter explores the dilemma of when to push through and when to pull back in training, considering the varying stressors in life. We introduce the concept of a 'stress bucket', highlighting that while some stress is necessary, an overflow can hinder progress. I share a personal experience of dealing with an unusual amount of stress due to a family crisis, emphasizing the importance of recognizing when your own stress bucket is overflowing. We also discuss strategies for managing stress, like indulging in mindless activities, watching light-hearted shows, and the therapeutic value of disengaging from the constant pressures of daily life. Additionally, we touch on the concept of trainability and how it relates to our capacity to handle stress in the context of fitness and training.

(0:08:56) - Recognizing Signs of Overtraining and Recovery (15 Minutes)

This chapter kicks off with a heartfelt thank you to our dedicated followers on Instagram who actively participated in our survey, proving that even a modest following can yield powerful insights. We explore the intensity of training habits among our listeners, with many reporting a high RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) when they train, indicative of a strong work ethic and determination. We discuss the fine line between hard work and overtraining, highlighting tell-tale signs that you might not be leaving enough room for recovery, such as declining strength, disrupted sleep, prolonged soreness, frequent injuries, and elevated resting heart rate. We touch on the importance of recognizing whether fatigue is a temporary state or a chronic issue, and the role of tracking menstrual cycles in assessing energy fluctuations. Moreover, we share a personal anecdote about the stress cycle and the wisdom in understanding when more effort might not be the answer to managing stress.

(0:24:22) - Balancing Rest and Pushing Forward (9 Minutes)

This chapter focuses on the individual nature of growth and rest, highlighting that while some may need to push themselves more, others might benefit from taking programmed rest days. We explore the concept of rest days, emphasizing that rest doesn't necessarily mean inactivity, but rather a change in the type of activity to allow the body to recover. We question the term 'active rest' and share personal strategies for rest days, such as varying the exercise routine with lower intensity workouts like walking or running at a comfortable pace. Additionally, we address when it's necessary to push oneself, with insights from our listeners on how they assess their need to exert more effort. The chapter underscores the importance of listening to one's body and mind to strike a balance between pushing forward and pulling back for overall well-being.

(0:33:18) - Balancing Motherhood and Fitness Progress (8 Minutes)

This chapter focuses on the challenges and strategies for maintaining health and fitness as a new mother or during times of adversity, such as illness or injury. We share insights on how it's not about striving for perfection but rather about prioritizing and making consistent efforts towards one's goals. We emphasize the importance of small, manageable actions that contribute to overall progress and the significance of mindset in overcoming the temptation to give up when setbacks occur. The concept of 'all or something' is highlighted as an alternative to the 'all or nothing' mentality, and we discuss the slashing tires analogy to illustrate the importance of not letting minor setbacks derail overall progress. Through personal anecdotes and client experiences, I underscore the importance of adapting to one's circumstances and making the best choices for health and well-being, even under challenging conditions.

(0:41:01) - Training Age Podcast Information (0 Minutes)

This chapter wraps up another insightful session of Training Age, where we share our thoughts and experiences to help our listeners enhance their training regimes. We've provided information on where you can find more details about the podcast, as well as how to connect with us on Instagram for regular updates. For those looking to take their training to the next level, we've also mentioned how to access our coaching services. Our gratitude goes out to everyone tuning in, and we look forward to continuing this journey with you.


Episode 18: Getting Glutes


Episode 16: Building Muscle with Chris Barakat