Episode 20: Changing Our Minds with Austin Current


Join us as we welcome Austin Current to discuss his fascinating journey in the fitness industry—from his beginnings as an IFBB pro bodybuilder to becoming a respected fitness trainer and author. We explore his acclaimed book, "Science of Strength Training," which serves as a visual encyclopedia for gym enthusiasts and is even used as a resource in major universities. Austin also opens up about his childhood experiences that fueled his passion for fitness, offering a nostalgic look back at the moments that shaped him.

We explore changing perspectives in the fitness industry, highlighting the importance of empathy and education in making the gym a positive environment for everyone. Reflecting on personal experiences and social media content creation, we discuss the value of simplifying complex concepts for effective coaching. We also touch on the industry's tendency to reward neuroticism and the need for a balanced approach to health and fitness. Austin shares insights into the societal pressures surrounding competitive fitness, emphasizing the importance of finding genuine happiness and contentment beyond physical appearance.

In our conversation, we also cover practical aspects of strength training, from the significance of proper lifting form to the benefits of training close to failure. We emphasize focusing on fundamental fitness principles over minor details and discuss the critical role of nutrition in achieving long-term health goals. Finally, we explore the concept of maintenance and the responsibilities that come with it, advocating for a proactive approach to personal and societal growth. Join us for a comprehensive discussion that balances technical expertise with heartfelt reflections on the pursuit of health and well-being.

Episode Summary

(0:00:09) - Fitness Trainer Austin Current Interview (10 Minutes)

We welcome Austin Current to discuss his multifaceted journey in the fitness industry. We reminisce about how our paths first crossed and the serendipitous nature of social media connections. Austin shares his transition from being an IFBB pro bodybuilder to focusing on his career as a fitness trainer and author. He provides insights into his book, "Science of Strength Training," which serves as a visual encyclopedia for gym-goers, covering muscle physiology, resistance training tools, and over a hundred exercises. Austin also highlights the book's use as an adjunct resource in major universities, including his alma mater, and recounts his childhood experiences that shaped his passion for fitness.

(0:10:01) - Changing Perspectives in the Fitness Industry (8 Minutes)

This chapter explores the journey of gaining confidence in a gym setting and the importance of empathy towards newcomers. We discuss ideal content on social media, emphasizing its empathetic and non-patronizing nature. Additionally, we share insights on the value of simplifying complex concepts for better coaching and how my perspective has evolved over time. We touch on the fitness industry's tendency to reward neuroticism and the personal toll it can take, highlighting the need for a balanced approach to health and fitness.

(0:18:23) - Healthy Physique and Mental Balance (5 Minutes)

This chapter tackles the societal pressures and personal choices surrounding competitive fitness, particularly in bodybuilding and running. We discuss how the drive to compete can often overshadow the true benefits of a healthy lifestyle, emphasizing that one can be strong and healthy without adhering to extreme practices. We highlight the pitfalls of constantly striving for an ultra-lean physique, including hormone dysfunction and the unsustainability of such goals. The conversation shifts to the psychological aspects, like body dysmorphia and the fleeting satisfaction of achieving aesthetic goals, stressing the importance of finding genuine happiness and contentment beyond physical appearance. We also reflect on how our perspectives on what constitutes a healthy physique have evolved over time, recognizing that balance and long-term well-being should take precedence over temporary achievements.

(0:22:56) - The Pursuit of Health and Growth (7 Minutes)

This chapter explores the transformative journey of setting and pursuing fitness goals, emphasizing the significant health and psychological benefits of reducing body fat percentages in a sustainable manner. We discuss the value of aiming for reasonable body fat levels and how these goals can positively impact health markers and self-control. We highlight the importance of focusing on the journey rather than obsessing over the outcome, underscoring the personal growth, self-confidence, and life skills gained along the way. The conversation also addresses the societal perspectives on physical appearance, advocating for a balanced approach that prioritizes health and personal development over extreme measures and crash diets. Ultimately, we emphasize that while the physical results are a rewarding byproduct, the true value lies in who we become during the pursuit of our goals.

(0:30:04) - The Importance of Lifting Form (6 Minutes)

This chapter centers around the evolution of understanding of lifting technique and form, tracing back from youth sports performance programs through college and professional experiences. We discuss the significance of proper setup in strength training and how it simplifies maintaining good technique. Over time, we've learned to embrace the natural variations in movement and form that occur, especially as one approaches muscle fatigue. This flexibility is essential for overall joint health and effective muscle engagement. We compare the necessity of mastering lifting technique to the fundamental skill of dribbling in basketball, emphasizing that while technique is crucial, it must adapt to individual movement patterns and fatigue levels. Ultimately, we stress the importance of balancing precision with the acceptance of natural variability in our movements to optimize strength training and client success.

(0:35:39) - Approaching Failure in Strength Training (3 Minutes)

This chapter explores the practical approach to training new clients close to failure, emphasizing the importance of choosing more stable and controlled exercises like leg presses, leg extensions, or lying leg curls instead of complex movements like back squats. We discuss the benefits of allowing form to break down slightly as fatigue sets in, which helps gauge the client's limits and progress. The conversation highlights the pitfalls of striving for perfect form, which can lead to paralysis by analysis and hinder progress. Additionally, we touch on the importance of engaging in varied physical activities, such as running or sprinting, to maintain cardiovascular health and overall fitness, stressing that perfectionism should not prevent participation and improvement.

(0:38:52) - Big Rocks vs. Small Details (14 Minutes)

This chapter explores the notion of overcomplicating fitness and nutrition, emphasizing the importance of focusing on fundamental activities over perfect form or timing. We compare the nonjudgmental nature of cardio to the intimidating scrutiny often faced in weightlifting, especially in the age of social media. The discussion underscores the value of concentrating on "big rocks" like daily movement, adequate protein intake, and regular strength training, rather than getting bogged down by less significant details such as exact timing for supplements. Drawing on Eric Helms' analogy of boulders, pebbles, and sand, we highlight that mastering these core principles can achieve 90% of fitness goals, making minor details less crucial for overall success.

(0:52:59) - Strength Training and Nutrition Importance (6 Minutes)

This chapter focuses on the multifaceted benefits of strength training, emphasizing its critical role in building and maintaining stronger muscles and bones, which contributes to greater independence and a lower risk of fractures and disability as we age. We explore how strength training leads to long-term physique changes and significant health benefits, while also highlighting the importance of nutrition in manipulating body weight and overall health. We discuss the common misconception that exercise can be used to "earn" more food and stress the need to properly fuel exercise through balanced nutrition rather than trying to out-exercise a poor diet. Additionally, we address the potential risks of over-exercising and advocate for a balanced approach to both training and nutrition.

(0:58:38) - The Challenge of Maintenance and Entitlement (10 Minutes)

This chapter explores the concept of entitlement and the inherent responsibilities that come with maintaining our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. We discuss how modern conveniences have led to an expectation of ease, yet emphasize the necessity of effort in various aspects of life, from dental hygiene to managing our food intake. We highlight the luxury of having abundant food resources and the importance of adopting a mindset that embraces challenges as part of the human experience. Emphasizing that maintenance requires effort, we consider the value of choosing our struggles rather than letting them choose us, ultimately encouraging a proactive approach to personal and societal growth.


Episode 21: Telling a New Story with @irisdeadlifts


Episode 19: Maintenance Requires Effort