Episode 1: Being a Beginner


Get ready to jog down memory lane with us, as we introduce the idea of Training Age and recount our personal fitness journeys. We'll kick off by discussing the different stages of training age - beginner, novice, intermediate, experienced, and what it means to progress through each level. We’ll also delve into our own humble beginnings in fitness, and the small steps that pushed us toward our goals. 

Valerie shares how a 12-week challenge sparked a newfound love for strength training and even led to bikini contest prep with her husband. Heather gets personal too, recounting her journey from beginner to Boston Marathon qualifier, thanks to a supportive friend and a supportive family. 

We  discuss the world of macro tracking, a concept that revolutionized our understanding of dieting and we discuss past dieting failures and how these experiences led to a better understanding of nutrition.

Episode Summary

(0:00:02) - Introduction to Training Age (10 Minutes)

We explore the concept of training age and the four levels that someone can experience - beginner, novice, intermediate, and experienced. We emphasize the importance of taking your time and building skills to progress through each level. We also reflect on our beginnings as beginners and the value of curiosity and patience in our journey.

(0:10:17) - Finding Myself Through Strength Training (9 Minutes)

Valerie took her first steps into strength training and nutrition by taking on a 12 week challenge. She experienced a loss of self after her third child, and her OB recommended going to the gym. She found a love of strength training through that, and her husband encouraged her to do a contest prep with him. The importance of having somebody with knowledge and experience to help guide us on our path, and the importance of asking for help is explored.

(0:19:09) - Empowering Others Through Fitness (11 Minutes)

Heather found a love for fitness and her journey from beginner to Boston Marathon qualifier was supported by a friend who saw something in her that Heather couldn't see in herself. Her family's fit focused lifestyle led to her learning the importance of exercise, and her struggles with insecurity in her teenage years. Heather and her running partner qualified for the Boston Marathon twice in a two and a half year period.

(0:30:09) - Macro Tracking and Continuous Learning in Fitness (5 Minutes)

Valerie's previous dieting failures are discussed, and how they helped her understand nutrition and the concept of macro tracking. Heather and Valerie explain how macro tracking was a game to Valerie which felt liberating and sustainable. They emphasize the importance of continuing to challenge yourself to grow and thrive, and seeing things that you don't know as an exciting opportunity. Lastly, they invite listeners to follow them on Instagram and their websites to ask questions and receive coaching.


Episode 2: The Realistic Hack-Your-Metabolism Starter Pack