Episode 2: The Realistic Hack-Your-Metabolism Starter Pack


What if I told you that the secret to 'hacking' your metabolism doesn't involve any magic pills or crazy diets, but simply understanding your body and making sustainable lifestyle changes? We are firm believers in this approach and have seen the positive impact it has had on our lives. In this episode, we delve into metabolism truths and myths, shedding light on why some 'hacks' might not be as effective as they seem.

We also go beyond just food and exercise, discussing how stress management and sleep can significantly impact our metabolism. Who knew a good night's sleep could help control appetite, aid in hormone production, and even help with post-exercise recuperation? Moreover, we discuss how simple habits formed over time can create lasting changes in our metabolic health. The good news is that your body doesn't need you to be perfect, it just needs you to be consistent.

To round off, we talk about the importance of making decisions for our bodies from a place of strength, not shame or guilt. It’s about balance and knowing just how much is enough to keep that 'stress bucket' from overflowing. Gratitude journaling, taking baths, and even strength training, can all help us get into a parasympathetic state and feel our best. Listen in to discover how you can start taking steps towards a healthier lifestyle and improved metabolism today.

Episode Summary

(0:00:14) - Understanding and Improving Metabolism (8 Minutes)

We discuss metabolism and what steps we can take to improve our quality of life. We explore how we can work hard and make sustainable changes to our lifestyle. We also discuss the importance of taking time out to relax and enjoy life. We talk about our own personal good news and how we can focus on the positive aspects of life.

(0:07:52) - Metabolism and "Hacking" for Weight Loss (14 Minutes)

We discuss how our lifestyle, food and exercise choices, and how we manage stress affect metabolism. We also look at some hacks that are out there to 'hack our metabolism' and why they might not be as effective as advertised. Additionally, we examine how making positive lifestyle changes can help us improve our quality of life, and how our metabolism will naturally adapt to these changes.

(0:22:12) - Hacking Your Metabolism for Sustainable Change (4 Minutes)

We examine how the habits we form can have a long-term effect on our metabolism. We emphasize the significance of sleep and how it can aid with appetite control, hormone production, and post-exercise recuperation. Moreover, we look at how data trackers can be used to monitor our sleep, but that it is also essential to trust our own instinct when deciding what our body needs.

(0:26:34) - Metabolism Hacking Through Stress, Nutrition, Training (12 Minutes)

We explore how decisions for our bodies can be made from a place of strength, rather than shame or guilt. We discuss the importance of sleep, stress management, and nutrition for metabolic health. We also look at how strength training and other activities can affect our body's energy stores and cortisol levels, and how we can manage our stress to keep our "stress bucket" from overflowing. We emphasize the importance of habits, such as gratitude journaling and taking baths, to help us get into a parasympathetic state and feel our best.

(0:38:41) - Training Age (1 Minutes)

We talk about how to make sustainable changes to our lifestyle in order to improve our metabolism. We discuss the importance of forming healthy habits, such as getting adequate sleep and managing stress, and how they can have a long-term effect on our metabolism. Lastly, we emphasize that decisions for our bodies can be made from a place of strength, rather than shame or guilt.


Episode 3: Midlife Revelations with Karen Jackson


Episode 1: Being a Beginner