Episode 8: Managing Menopause with Joanna Dara


In this podcast, Val and Heather, along with their guest Joanna Dara, a Hormone and Nutrition Specialist, explore the complex stages of perimenopause and menopause. Their conversation highlights the crucial role of hormones in women's health and fitness during these life changes. They delve into the symptoms, changing perspectives on hormone replacement therapy, and the differences between perimenopause and menopause, making it an essential listen for women in these stages.

They also address the difficulties women often encounter in getting accurate diagnoses and effective treatments for issues related to hormonal changes. They emphasize the importance of thorough lab work in understanding health concerns and discuss how diet, lifestyle, and stress management are key in maintaining hormonal balance. Additionally, they offer guidance on finding healthcare providers who specialize in integrative or functional medicine and how to effectively use telemedicine and labs like Lab Corps and Quest.

Concluding the episode, the focus shifts to the misconceptions about menopause in society and the importance of preventative medicine for improving health span. They urge the need for more education and self-advocacy in healthcare, especially for women going through menopause. This empowering episode provides a platform for women to share their experiences and find support during this significant life transition.

Episode Summary

(0:00:11) - Understanding Perimenopause and Menopause (13 Minutes)

This chapter of Training Age explores the topic of perimenopause and menopause with Hormone and Health Specialist, Joanna Dara. Together they discuss the symptoms, hormones, and hormone replacement therapy related to this stage of a woman's fitness journey. Joanna, a licensed nutritionist and hormone specialist, shares her expertise on the importance of understanding hormones and how they can affect our overall health and fitness. They also touch on the changing attitudes towards hormone replacement therapy and the education surrounding it. The conversation covers the difference between perimenopause and menopause, common symptoms of perimenopause, and the importance of monitoring blood work. Overall, this chapter provides valuable insights and information for women going through this transitional phase.

(0:13:01) - Importance of Bloodwork in Evaluating Symptoms (7 Minutes)

This chapter emphasizes the importance of comprehensive lab work in understanding and addressing various health concerns. The hosts discuss the frustration of visiting multiple doctors without receiving a clear diagnosis or treatment plan. They highlight the need for a baseline of lab work to evaluate symptoms and rule out potential causes. The hosts also stress the role of stress, diet, and lifestyle in hormonal imbalances and the importance of finding a doctor who specializes in integrative or functional medicine. They suggest seeking out a doctor with a background in all hormones, including thyroid, sex, and stress hormones. The hosts also mention the convenience of telemedicine and working with labs like Lab Corps and Quest. Overall, this chapter highlights the value of thorough lab work and finding a knowledgeable and comprehensive doctor to address health concerns.

(0:19:32) - In-Depth Lab Review and Hormone Treatment (7 Minutes)

This chapter emphasizes the importance of comprehensive lab testing and personalized treatment for women's health. We discuss the value of seeking out an integrative medicine doctor who can review all aspects of a patient's health, including blood work, autoimmune conditions, hormones, and thyroid function. We highlight the need for patients to advocate for themselves and ask questions when their doctors do not provide thorough explanations or appropriate treatment. Additionally, we explore the benefits of education and the role of coaches in providing a blueprint for their clients' health and wellness.

(0:26:58) - Understanding Menopause and Aging (10 Minutes)

This chapter explores the topic of menopause and its often misunderstood and stigmatized nature in society. We discuss the physical and emotional changes that women experience during menopause, likening it to a second puberty. Additionally, we touch upon the importance of preventative medicine and improving health span rather than just focusing on lifespan. The conversation highlights the need for education and understanding surrounding menopause, as well as the importance of advocating for oneself and seeking help. We express our gratitude for the opportunity to provide a platform for women to come together, share their experiences, and support one another.


Episode 9: Documenting Your Progress


Episode 7: Training Volume